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Monday, December 30, 2013

My FIRST Penang Trip

Phewh.. I just woke up after almost a 5 hour drive down from Penang and boy was traffic heavy.... at some points went to a standstill and it RAINED all the way..

Anyhow, as seen above, it was my first trip really to Penang... I am not trying to lie to you but prior to this trip,  I have only been to Penang twice to pick up someone and leave all within a span of less than 2 hours... so I dont really count those as times having been to Penang.

So.. the story goes that my interest in going to Penang started in 2006 or 2007 when I met up with this RAF officer on one of my trips to Phuket who used to be stationed in Penang. So lo and behold, he told me stories about Penang only for me to go err... I havent been there... haha yes a shocker but true enough, I wont lie.. I havent been to Penang...Anyhow add to that and listening to people jabber on and on about Penang, I definitely told myself I have to go to Penang!

So.. on 28th Dec we took to the road and made the 4 hour plus journey and drove up and  tada! I made it..

Here's some views upon arrival

Penang Bridge

Penang bridge
Penang Bridge

Penang from Penang Bridge
Penang from Penang Bridge

So I went for a short trip.. only 2D 1 N but it was all good. I will be sharing the blog in several posts and you can refer to the links here later.

Day 1 : Royal Penang Hotel
Day 1:  Nasi Kandar Line Clear
Day 2:  Penang Mural Hunting
Day 2:  Fort Cornwallis

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